Category Trait Sample size Author PMID Year Gene Symbol Variant GWAS prob eQTL prob Shared causal prob Shared prob Order Cell type
M Attendance/disability/mobility allowance: Blue badge 383,632 CTGLAB 31427789 2019 ENSG00000272512 RP11-54O7.17 rs2799060 0.0277 1.0000 0.0277 0.0277 1
M Attendance/disability/mobility allowance: Blue badge 383,632 CTGLAB 31427789 2019 ENSG00000188290 HES4 rs1891910 0.0290 0.4859 0.0141 0.0289 1 END (Habib)
M Frequency of friend/family visits 383,941 CTGLAB 31427789 2019 ENSG00000225670 CTA-134P22.2 rs862995 0.6502 0.3781 0.2459 0.2690 1
M Frequency of friend/family visits 383,941 CTGLAB 31427789 2019 ENSG00000162706 CADM3 rs862995 0.6502 0.1713 0.1114 0.1185 1 Glutamatergic (Lake), Purk1 (Lake)
M Frequency of friend/family visits 383,941 CTGLAB 31427789 2019 ENSG00000104447 TRPS1 rs2721940 0.1060 0.4602 0.0488 0.0984 1 GABAergic (Lake), Astrocytes (Lake), Ast_Cer (Lake), NSC (Habib)
M Frequency of friend/family visits 383,941 CTGLAB 31427789 2019 ENSG00000160991 ORAI2 rs2529106 0.0284 0.3765 0.0107 0.0425 1