Results by MeSH category

- Anatomy [A]

- Organisms [B]

- Diseases [C]

- Chemicals and Drugs [D]

- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques, and Equipment [E]

- Psychiatry and Psychology [F]

- Phenomena and Processes [G]

- Disciplines and Occupations [H]

- Anthropology, Education, Sociology, and Social Phenomena [I]

- Technology, Industry, and Agriculture [J]

- Named Groups [M]

- Health Care [N]

- Other [no MeSH category]

- Brain related traits [aggregated from above]

Key Description
Category MeSH category of trait (CAUSALdb)
Sample size number of samples
Author first author of paper
PMID PubMed id
Year year published
Symbol HUGO gene symbol
Variant variant identifier
GWAS prob posterior probability from fine mapping GWAS (CAUSALdb)
eQTL prob posterior probability from fine mapping GWAS (eQTL meta-analysis)
Shared causal prob product of GWAS prob and eQTL prob. Click to see plots
Shared prob sum of shared causal probabilities, summed over all variants for tis gene-trait pair. A high probability indicates that the GWAS and eQTL signals co-localize, even if the candidate causal set is large.
Order 1) primary eQTL, 2) secondary eQTL conditioned on the top association from the primary analysis, 3) tertiary, conditioned on top primary and secondary associations, etc.
Cell type indicates if gene is a marker gene for a particular cell type based on single cell RNA-seq from Lake, Darmanis and Habib.